
Yang She


Wan Waekae


Leang Ashing

Choo Yihleang

Patient unknown


Lew Akin

Peter Parker portrait

Po Ashing (before surgery)

Hoo Loo Choo

Kwan Nanking

Calculus Vesico-Urethra

Patient Unknown (possibly Chang Achum)

Gingall Ball

Woo Pun

Vesical Calculus -- Chinese Collection

Po Ashing (after surgery)

Vesical Calculus (group)

Vesical Calculus -- Chinese collection

Lam Qua Self Portrait

Leang Yen (?) see commentary



Ashun, of Ko tung

Le Sanying

Kwan Meiurh

Patient Unknown, perhaps frontal view of Yang Kang

Kwan Meiurh

Yang Kang

Woo Kinshing

Patient unknown, perhaps second frontal study of Yang Kang

Woo Kinshing (close up of face)


Peter Parker


Choo Akwei




Lo Wanshun


Chin Take


The Mysteries of Lam Qua: Medical Portraiture in China 1836 - 1855
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