Title: Le Sanying
Secondary Title: Women with tumor on her forehead (victim of malpractice)
Description: By Lam Qua, oil on canvas 18 x 24 inches, 1838.
Case Number: 4849
Year: 1838
Modern Suggestion: According to the doctors consulted by the Gordon Museum: Squamous carcinoma of forehead with possible metastases
Credit: Courtesy of The Gordon Museum
Dr. Peter Parker's Case History
e ear has been removed, and new skin has covered a considerable portion of the sore forehead. Had the tumor been left to itself by the native physician it might have been easily removed, and the young woman saved a great deal of suffering. Her case is still doubtful."
Additional Commentary
s the lost opportunity for safe excision.

The Mysteries of Lam Qua: Medical Portraiture in China 1836 - 1855
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