Title: Gingall Ball
Secondary Title: Chin Asan
Case Number: 29,351
Year: 1848
Modern Suggestion: not applicable
Credit: Yale University Medical School
Dr. Peter Parker's Case History
Chin Asan, aet. 24, of Shinwui, the gunner of a passenger boat of Kiangmun, was shot by pirates on the evening of the 20th instant. An iron grape shot an inch in diameter, entered the left side just over the fifth rib, passed along the rib, backwards and over the spine, and lodged beneath the integuments in the opposite side at a point nearly corresponding to that at which it entered...the ball was cut down upon and extracted. Poultices were applied and an antiphlogistic treatment was adopted; copious suppuration folowed, the lungs suffered sympathetically to a considerable extent, but in six or eight weeks the patient perfectly recovered.
Additional Commentary

The Mysteries of Lam Qua: Medical Portraiture in China 1836 - 1855
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