Title: Lo Wanshun
Secondary Title: Woman with tumor on left cheek
Description: By Lam Qua, oil on canvas, 18 x 24 inches.
Tumor: Sarcomatous tumor
Case Number: 2214
Year: 1836
Modern Suggestion: According to the doctors consulted by the Gordon Museum: Left parotid tumor, Pleomorphic Salivary Adenoma
Credit: Courtesy of the Gordon Museum.
Dr. Peter Parker's Case History
gle of the jaw. The wound healed by the first intention, and in ten days the dressing was wholly removed. The face had nearly its natural appearance. Grateful and happy, she returned to her husband and family."
Additional Commentary
Chinese use of escharotics and rash measures such as lancing. The case occurred approximately a year after Parker first opened the hospital and, interestingly, he makes no mention of who accompanied the patient during her stay. His account implicitly contrasts his technique with that of the locals; Parker is already practicing a kind of cosmetic surgery, trying not only to remove the tumor safely but to make the insicions in such a way as to conceal the scar and make the patient appear as "natural" as possible. He has also, after a year's practice, come to see the relative lack of groaning or shrieking under the unanesthetized knife as characteristic of Chinese fortitude; it has become for him a positive stereotype.

The Mysteries of Lam Qua: Medical Portraiture in China 1836 - 1855
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