Science, Engineering, and Medicine Category Listing

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President Eisenhower's News Conference of July 3, 1957
After an announcement stating that more U-235 will be made available for peaceful purposes, President Eisenhower takes questions from reporters. Topics include civil rights legislation, the presidential campaign of 1960, wage and price increases, disarmament, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), an alleged murder committed by American Army specialist William McOsler, a single supply agency for the armed forces, basic physical training for servicemen, building a clean bomb, integration, voting rights, the Supreme Court, US policy toward France and Algeria, the budget, cost of living increases, and the Middle East.

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Address Before the General Assembly of the United Nations on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, New York City
'Atoms for Peace'
Eisenhower states that he must speak in the 'new language of atomic warfare.' He outlines the fears of the nuclear age before expressing the desire to make nuclear material available for peaceful purposes.

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The President's News Conference of May 4, 1955
President Eisenhower makes a statement describing the mechanism for distributing Jonas Salk's new polio vaccine. Many of the questions following his statement are about the polio vaccine and include the possibility of racketeering, the vaccine's commercial sale, who will receive the vaccine, and the vaccine's safety. Other topics include settling telephone and railroad strikes, Eisenhower's proposed highway program, agriculture, the Air Force, extending the Fair Labor Standards Act, a pay raise for postal employees, Mamie Eisenhower's health, the Yalta Agreement, China, the possibility of a military base on Formosa, and West Germany's reemergence as a free nation.

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German Language Cylinder
Sounds of lambs, cows, cuckoos, etc.
One of the first recordings ever made a full ten years before Thomas Edison patented his gramophone. This German language cylinder documents the sounds of lambs, cows, cuckoos, and other fauna.

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I am the Edison phonograph
An advertisement for the Edison phonograph
An advertisement for the Edison phonograph. The recording is believed to have been made in 1888 with Len Spencer speaking. This recording comes from an Edison two-minute wax special advertising record issued in 1906, which was provided to dealers as a demonstration record for Edison cylinder machines. The recording begins with the words "I am the Edison phonograph."

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Big Ben Striking
First sound effect record of Big Ben Striking
First sound effect record of Big Ben Striking 10:30, 10:45, and 11:00, made by technicians at Edison House, London.

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Speech by Gustave Eiffel
This recording contains a speech by Gustave Eiffel (in French).

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A Humorous Story from Thomas Edison
Introduced by Walter H. Miller
A humorous story related by Edison. Introduced by Walter H. Miller.

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Thomas Edison reviews history of electrical communication
Fiftieth anniversary of laying of the Atlantic underwater cable. Edison reviews history of electrical communication at opening of Electrical Exposition at Madison Square Garden, New York City. Recorded by G. Robert Vincent from an Edison Laboratories recording of 1908.

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Edison talks about scientists' contributions to electricity
Thomas Edison talks about the contributions of 19th century scientists to the knowledge of electricity. Recorded by Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv 1908.

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Representative James Cooper outlines his health care reform package to a gathering of the American Academy of Family Physicians
Representative James Cooper outlines his health care reform package to a gathering of the American Academy of Family Physicians. He outlines the similarities and differences with President Clinton's bill and asks doctors to share their savings with the health care consumers Broadcast on C-Span

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Bush Speaks at a National Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Bush speaks to a gathering of dentists at a national meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He categorizes Saddam Hussein's offer of peace earlier that morning as a cruel hoax. He also addresses the importance of scientific literacy in both school and science.

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Gerald Ford Talks about Swine Flu Immunization
Gerald Ford tells of plans to proceed with mass immunization against swine flu.

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Medical Report on Eisenhower's Health
Medical report on Eisenhower's health.

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Casper Weinberger Speaks on Hospital Capacities and Health Care
Casper W. Weinberger talks about overbuilding of hospital capacities and role of the federal government in health care.

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Edward Kennedy tells an audience that America is still training too few general practitioners.
Edward Kennedy tells an audience that America is still training too few general practitioners.

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President Kennedy speaks about a Medicare Bill
John Kennedy speaks about his proposed Medicare Bill and its opposition by the Amerian Medical Association.

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John Dulles Gives a Statement on the Suspension of Nuclear Tests
Excerpt from a press conference. John Foster Dulles gives a statement on the suspension of nuclear tests.

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Franklin Roosevelt's Address to the Inaugural Session of the 8th Pan American Scientific Congress
Address to inaugural session of the 8th Pan American Scientific Congress from Constitution Hall Washington D.C.

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Truman gives address in Central Park New York City stating postwar U.S. foreign policy and the outlook for uses of atomic power
Navy Day address. Truman gives address in Central Park New York City stating postwar U.S. foreign policy and the outlook for uses of atomic power.

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Harry Truman Speaks to a Joint Session of Congress for the First Time, and Albert Einstein Addresses a Federal World Government Rally
Harry S. Truman speaks to a joint session of Congress for the first time, having recently assumed the presidency. After being introduced by the doorkeeper of the house, Ralph Roberts, Harry Truman first laments the loss of Franklin Roosevelt, who was laid to rest on the previous day. Truman pledges that America will continue the fight for freedom until no vestige of resistance remains. In the second portion of the recording, Albert Einstein addresses a federal world government rally. The world renowned scientist speaks of economic and technological development. He comments on world government, and the United Nations organization. He answers questions posed by students, including concerns over the development of nuclear weapons. The quality of the recording is such that Einstein's accented speech is difficult to understand.

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A Speech by Buckminster Fuller Entitled,
Buckminster Fuller gives a speech at the AMA entitled, "What Quality of Environment Do We Want?" He begins by speaking of the earth as if it were a spaceship, with the sun being the closest "gas station," the next nearest being 100,000 times as far away. He reviews a few ways of looking at what we do to our environment, speaking of combustion engines, the role of television in development, the terminology of the past (and unlearning the misinformation that goes along with it), and the organization of cities. He winds the speech up with a review of the work of Dr. Benjamin Bloom of Chicago.

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Robert Oppenheimer Speaks of the Future of Humankind
Part Two
Oppenheimer continues his speech, talking more about Niels Bohr's foresight in matters concerning atomic energy, atomic weapons, and the arms race between the West and the Soviet Union. Oppenheimer speaks of the notion of progress, and what is necessary to achieve it.

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President Eisenhower's News Conference of July 3, 1957
After an announcement stating that more U-235 will be made available for peaceful purposes, President Eisenhower takes questions from reporters. Topics include civil rights legislation, the presidential campaign of 1960, wage and price increases, disarmament, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), an alleged murder committed by American Army specialist William McOsler, a single supply agency for the armed forces, basic physical training for servicemen, building a clean bomb, integration, voting rights, the Supreme Court, US policy toward France and Algeria, the budget, cost of living increases, and the Middle East.

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American Psychiatric Association with Physicist William Shockley Press Conference (excerpts)
This consists of excerpts from a press conference given by William Shockley. Shockley and a Dr. Scanlon debate Shockley's theory that caucasians are intellectually superior.

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Atomic Energy: The Pioneers
from reel two
Crawford H. Greenewalt, president of DuPont, introduces Dr. William Davidson, Dr. Donald Lockridge, Dr. Arthur Compton, Dr. Enrico Fermi, Mr. Jocelyn, Dr. Charles Allen Thomas, Dr. Wallace, and Dr. Walter Zinn. Fermi then describes how the reaction worked and how it was controlled. A panel discussion follows. Topics include: industrial applications, applications besides power generation, power, making nuclear power commercially viable, breeder reactors, plutonium and its manufacture, and security.

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Dr. Ernest Lawrence Gets Enrico Fermi Award 1957
Ernest O. Lawrence receives the third annual Enrico Fermi Award. In an interview, he discusses the safety of nuclear testing and stresses the use of atomic power for peaceful power generation.

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Enrico Fermi
Enrico Fermi in undated photo.
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Ernest Orlando Lawrence, Enrico Fermi and Isidor Isaac Rabi
Ernest Orlando Lawrence, Enrico Fermi and Isidor Isaac Rabi. Nobel Laureates who worked on or consulted on the Manhattan Project. Photo undated.
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Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison re-enacts his invention of the electric light bulb as Henry Ford and Francis Jehl look on.
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