Journalism and the Media Category Listing



Address at Annual Dinner of the American Society of Newspaper Editors
President Eisenhower's speech before the American Society of Newspaper Editors focuses on the threat of communism. As in many other speeches, Eisenhower stresses the role of the United States in ensuring freedom's survival. He feels that economically-troubled nations may turn to communism because of a lack of hope, and that the US must assist them, sometimes on a long-term basis. He wonders whether the death of Joseph Stalin has had any effect on the Soviet state, or not.

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After his first week as United States Archivist, John Carlin reports on his plans to make national archivists more available to the general public
After his first week as United States Archivist, John Carlin reports on his plans to make national archivists more available to the general public Broadcast on C-Span

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Asks that the press and the nation not play the "blames game" regarding the causes of racial unrest
Asks that the press and the nation not play the "blames game" regarding the causes of racial unrest such as that which led to the "Rodney King riots", in a statement to newspaper editors and at a press conference.

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George Bush addresses newspaper publishers in Chicago
George Bush addresses newspaper publishers in Chicago on his first 100 days in office (after 95 days).

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President Bush recaps the high points and achievements of his first year in office
President recaps the high points and achievements of his first year in office and answers reporters questions about topical issues: Eastern Europe, China, Latin America, child care, and a gamut of domestic and foreign issues. Questioners are not the White House Press Corps, but a national convention of newspaper editorial writers.

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Daniel Roper Speaks of Current Times in 1938
Daniel Roper speaks about current times in 1938.

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President Kennedy addresses the Newspaper Publishers Convention
Excerpt from address to Newspaper Publishers Convention. Kennedy discusses the paying of New York Tribune correspondent Karl Marx.

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Nelson Rockefeller Advocates a Reduction in Government
Nelson Rockefeller calls for reducing government at all levels while speaking at the National Press Club.

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Daniel Inouye Criticizes the Press for Their Portrayal of a Valid CIA Operation
Daniel Inouye criticizes the press for blowing the CIA's operations in lifting a sunken Russian submarine in the Pacific, which was a legitimate CIA enterprise. March 20, 1975.

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James Edwards Speaks of His 68 Days in Office as Secretary of Energy
At the National Press Club, James B. Edwards talks about his 68 days in office as Secretary of Energy.

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Point Four, an address to American Newspaper Guild
Point Four, an address to American Newspaper Guild.

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Eisenhower Addresses the American Society of Newspaper Editors in a Speech Concerning Peace
President Eisenhower speaks of peace in the world following World War II. He talks about the new leadership in the Soviet Union (this being shortly after the death of Stalin), and of possibilities for peace in Korea and for the nations of Eastern Europe to govern themselves in any way they see fit. He talks about the costs of improving military strength in terms of the money that is being taken away from other public projects such as schools and power plants, and he expresses a desire to enter into arms limitation treaties with the Soviet Union.

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Meeting of the United States Student Press Association with Ralph Nader
Ralph Nader continues answering questions from the audience. Topics include cigarettes and smoking, advertising, anti-ballistic missiles, economics as a profession, anti-trust work, Congress, student activism, taxes and profits, General Motors, pollution, and the law profession.

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President John F. Kennedy on the Bay of Pigs
In this address before the American Society of Newspaper Editors, President Kennedy discusses the failed Bay of Pigs invasion.

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Television 1950--is it good or bad? (America's Town Meeting of the Air)
Al Capp argues the pro-television position; Norman Cousins argues the con. Cousins opens by arguing that television talks down to the American population. He calls television programming an 'attack on the intelligence.' Capp counters by saying that television does provide 'entertainment, delight, and culture.' He goes on to list examples of quality programming. The question-and-answer period includes comments on television's economic viability, public broadcasting, television and adolescents, violence, propaganda, corporate sponsorship and advertising, and television as a babysitter.

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