Internationalism and the United Nations Category Listing



President Carter Announces Request to United Nations for International Sanctions Against Iran.
President Carter makes a brief statement calling on the United Nations to impose international economic sanctions against Iran. Carter ends his statement by reading from a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

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Bush addresses the United Nations General Assembly
Bush addresses the United Nations General Assembly, praises the work of that body and the current leadership of the Soviet union, and the end of the "Cold War." Praises the Security counsels prompt response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Hopes for non-military solution to Middle East problems, including those of Israel. U.S. will destroy 100% of its chemical weapons. Believes all states should belong to the U.N., including Both Koreas.

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Answers questions about the January 15th deadline and the United Nations resolution
Although, officially entitled and "address", this becomes a press conference with a statement about the previous day's United Nations Security Council vote endorsing the use of military force against Iraq if economic sanctions appear to be ineffective. Promises that if we enter a war, it will not be a half-hearted effort like Vietnam; it will be an all-out fight for victory. Announces that James Baker, Secretary of State, will be going to Baghdad to visit Saddam Hussein in the hopes of achieving a peaceful solution on our terms. Taraq Aziz, Iraq's foreign minister has been invited to Washington to talk with him. Answers questions about the January 15 deadline, the UN resolution, "post-war" stability safeguards in the Gulf area, hostages in the US Embassy in Kuwait, Iraq's capacity to build an atomic bomb, consultation with Congress, rising oil prices, the draft.

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Bush sets forth the specific criteria which Saddam Hussein must fulfill if the UN will agree to a ceasefire in the Gulf War
Bush sets forth the specific criteria which Saddam Hussein must fulfill if the UN will agree to a ceasefire in the Gulf War. Iraq must begin its pullout within 24 hours.

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Gerald Ford Speaks on Global Economy to the World Banking and International Monetary Fund Conference
Gerald Ford tells delegates to the World Banking and International Monetary Fund conference that they are meeting in troubled times for the world's economy. Broadcast on CBS-TV.

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Gerald Ford's Address at the United Nations
Gerald Ford's address at the United Nations. Ford states that to help world peace the United States will cooperate on oil and food energy.

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U.S. Representative George Ball speaks on the objectives of the U.N. in the Congo
George Ball, U.S. Representative to the United Nations, gives a Speech in Los Angles on the objectives of United Nations in the Congo.

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Homer Cummings speaks for American participation in the League of Nations
Homer S. Cummings, chairman of the Democratic Convention of 1920, speaks in favor of American participation in the League of Nations, in a speech entitled Summons to Duty.

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Adlai Stevenson tells the United Nations General Assembly that Fidel Castro's enemies are not fascists, but rather those who fought by Castro's side
Adlai Stevenson tells the United Nations General Assembly that Fidel Castro's enemies are not fascists, but rather those who fought by Castro's side.

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Adlai Stevenson's speech at the United Nations about that organization's fight for survival and the crisis in the Congo is interrupted by demonstrators
Adlai Stevenson's speech at the United Nations about that organization's fight for survival and the crisis in the Congo is interrupted by demonstrators.

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Stevenson's speech at the United Nations on the admittance of Red China to the United Nations
Stevenson's speech at the United Nations on the admittance of Red China to the United Nations.

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Stevenson's speech at the United Nations on the Indian invasion of Goa.
Stevenson's speech at the United Nations on the Indian invasion of Goa.

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Stevenson's speech at the United Nations following the vote on Goa. He declares that the failure of the Security Council to demand a cease fire is a failure of the United Nations
Stevenson's speech at the United Nations following the vote on Goa. He declares that the failure of the Security Council to demand a cease fire is a failure of the United Nations.

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Excerpt of Stevenson's statement at the United Nations Security Council meeting
Excerpt of Stevenson's statement at the United Nations Security Council meeting. He discusses the U.S. position on the Cuban missile build up of October 23, 1962, replies to the USSR Ambassador Valerian Zorin at the United Nations Security Council meeting of October 25, 1962.

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Adlai Stevenson gives a eulogy for Eleanor Roosevelt at the United Nations
Adlai Stevenson gives a eulogy for Eleanor Roosevelt at the United Nations.

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Stevenson tells the United Nations of America's gratitude for their speeches honoring the late President John F. Kennedy and eulogizes Kennedy
Stevenson tells the United Nations of America's gratitude for their speeches honoring the late President John F. Kennedy and eulogizes Kennedy.

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Adlai Stevenson speaks at the United Nations
Adlai Stevenson speaks at the United Nations. Stevenson makes an error of speech covered up by a humorous remark.

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Stevenson's speech about the Congo situation, the outbreak of rioting of African visitors until session is suspended, galleries are ordered cleared
Stevenson's speech about the Congo situation, the outbreak of rioting of African visitors until session is suspended, galleries are ordered cleared.

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Jeane Kirkpatrick Addresses the Issues of Bureaucracy in the U.N. and Democracy in Latin America
Jeane Kirkpatrick addresses the United Nations press corps. Kirkpatrick calls for an end of redundant and expensive bureaucracy in the U.N. and discusses democracy and tyranny in Latin America.

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President George Bush announces that in compliance with a United Nations resolution, United States armed forces are being sent to Somalia
President George Bush announces that in compliance with a United Nations resolution, United States armed forces are being sent to Somalia to guarantee the foodstuffs sent there will in fact reach the starving people for whom they are intended.

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Bush addresses the United Nations, asking for support against Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro
Bush addresses the United Nations, asking for support against Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro, and asking that the resolution equating Zionism with racism be stricken from the book.

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Daniel Moynihan Implicates the Soviet Union in the UN Resolution Concerning Zionism
Daniel Moynihan says the Soviet Union is behind the recent United Nations resolution equating Zionism with racism.

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Daniel Moynihan Expresses his Confidence in Middle Eastern Peace
Daniel Moynihan tells the United Nations General Assembly he is confident progress is being made toward peace in the Middle East.

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President Kennedy speaks to the United Nations
John Kennedy speaks at the United Nations after the death of Dag Hammarsjköld against the Soviet proposal to replace the United Nations secretary with a 3-man troika.

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Rabbi Stephen Wise urges the United States to participate and uphold the policies of Woodrow Wilson.
Rabbi Stephen Wise urges the United States to participate and uphold the policies of Woodrow Wilson.

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Lyndon Johnson Addresses the Foreign Policy Conference for Education
Address to the Foreign Policy Conference for Education at the State Department Auditorium in Washington. Address is given prior to the emergency session of the U.N. General Assembly. Introductory remarks by Secretary Dean Rusk.

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Ronald Reagan Addresses the United Nations General Assembly Concerning the Part of the United States in World Peace
President Reagan address the United Nations General Assembly. Reagan outlines what the United States is doing to bring about world peace and plenty, and his hopes for cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union through periodic and regular consultations.

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George Ball Gives a Speech on the Objectives of the United Nations in the Congo
George Ball, U.S. Representative to the United Nations, gives a Speech in Los Angles on the objectives of United Nations in the Congo.

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Warren Harding's Speech, "An Association of Nations"
Warren G. Harding's gives a speech entitled, "An Association of Nations". He gives his position on limited American participation in a League of Nations.

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Homer Cummings Gives a Speech Entitled "Summons to Duty"
Homer S. Cummings, chairman of the Democratic Convention of 1920, speaks in favor of American participation in the League of Nations, in a speech entitled "Summons to Duty".

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George Marshall Makes Comments Supporting U.S. Involvement in Korea
George C. Marshall makes comments of reassurance of purpose for U.S. involvement in Korea in backing up United Nations forces.

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Warren Harding Gives His Position on American Participation in the League of Nations
Senator Harding's position on limited American participation in a League of Nations.

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John F. Kennedy Addresses the U.N. General Assembly
Kennedy addresses the U.N. General Assembly on peace plans and other topics.

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John F. Kennedy Addresses the United Nations General Assembly
Address at Plenary Session no. 1209 United Nations General Assembly in New York.

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John F. Kennedy Speaks to the United Nations
Speech to the United Nations.

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Adlai Stevenson Eulogizes John F. Kennedy
Adlai Stevenson tells the United Nations of America's gratitude for their speeches honoring the late President Kennedy, and eulogizes Kennedy.

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Harry S. Truman addresses the U.N.C.I.O. 10th plenary meeting at San Francisco.
Harry S. Truman addresses the United Nations Conference on International Organization (UNCIO) 10th plenary meeting at San Francisco.

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Speech by Eleanor Roosevelt
Mrs. Roosevelt discusses the way the United Nations was intended to function versus the way it was functioning in 1960. She suggests that the Soviet Union misused its veto power at times. She also discusses race, disarmament, the creation of a UN police force, and the role of voting blocks and public opinion in the General Assembly.

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Walter Lippman Discussing Foreign and Domestic Affairs
Lippman gives a frank assessment of the war in Vietnam. He calls it a Civil War and evaluates President Johnson's options. This includes a consideration of the Soviet Union and China. After that, the discussion turns to the American relationship with Western Europe. Topics include America's diminishing leadership role, European unification (between East and West), German reunification, de Gaulle's France, life after Khrushchev, the Labor Party in Britain, and Churchill's funeral. Next, Lippman discusses domestic issues. Topics include Johnson's presidency, the Great Society, civil rights, Johnson himself, and the makeup of Congress. The talk concludes with the United Nations and US involvement abroad.

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What is the United States' and Europe's Best Defense Against Communism? (America's Town Meeting of the Air)
Reel two of two.
Kefauver feels NATO does not go far enough to battle communism and wants to form a more efficient union with the nations of Europe. George W. Malone would rather not see U.S. interests subordinated to another international body. Kefauver says that the proposed federation would be subject to the will of the people of the member nations. Malone feels he wants to create a super-government.

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President Jimmy Carter's Address to the Nation on the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
President Carter delivers an indignant speech outlining the United States response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. He calls on the Soviets to withdraw from Afghanistan, states that they are in violation of the United Nations charter, and describes some of the immediate steps that the United States is taking to deal with the crisis.

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