The President's News Conference of April 19, 1980
President Carter makes a statement praising the servicemen who were to undertake the aborted rescue attempt of the American hostages in Iran. He also denounces Iran's behavior and states that he will not forget the hostages. Carter then takes questions from reporters. Topics include: the possibility of a foreign policy summit meeting, the timing of the hostage rescue mission, the termination of the hostage rescue mission, Iranian guilt and resolution of the hostage situation, the Americans killed during the hostage rescue mission, the situation in Iran and other presidential responsibilities, the National Security Adviser and Secretary of State, phases of hostage rescue mission, minorities and the economy, Secretary of State Vance and the hostage rescue mission, the risks of the hostage rescue mission, the hostage situation and President Carter's political prospects, the effect of sanctions against Iran, United States military capability and the hostage rescue mission, and Senator Edmund S. Muskie.