Environment and Ecology Category Listing



Al Gore Discusses Environmental Issues
Al Gore, vice-presidential candidate, addresses the Sierra Club on environmental issues.

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Bush announces ecological and economic programs to help those affected by the Exxon oil spill in the Prince William Sound in Alaska
Bush announces ecological and economic programs to help those affected by the Exxon oil spill in the Prince William Sound in Alaska. He also answers questions from reporters, saying that he will send the clean-up bill to Exxon, although armed forces personnel will be sent to help.

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Bush speaks on environmental issues
Bush speaks on environmental issues, outlining his proposal for a clean air act that would cut emissions of sulphur dioxide by half by the year 2000, and pledging clean air in all U.S. cities by the century's end.

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Bush addresses an audience in Kelly, Wyoming on wildlife and environmental issues
Bush addresses an audience in Kelly, Wyoming on wildlife and environmental issues. He announces his nominee to head the clean air project, Wyoming's John Turner. He also talks about the need to rally people to preserve the country's natural areas, fisheries and wildlife, and talks about fishing on his birthday.

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George Bush Gives a Press Conference One Week Prior to the State of the Union Address
Press conference preceding by a week the State of the Union Address. Opening Statement concerns itself with (1) environmental protection, (He well create a cabinet post for a department of the Environment), and (2) the Chinese students resident in the USA. He calls for Congressional support of his veto of the Pelosi Bill. Answers questions about Gorbachev's precarious political position at home, his opposition to gun contro, the stock market, Polish frontiers, the Moynihan Social Security bill, rumors that Mrs. Bush is pro-choice, abortion, civilian dead in Panama.

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William Proxmire discusses auto emission standards
William Proxmire discusses auto emission standards. Proxmire is angered at 5-year delay in auto emissions standards as President Ford's way of saving fuel, says the fight in the Senate on this issue is far from over.

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A Speech by Buckminster Fuller Entitled,
Buckminster Fuller gives a speech at the AMA entitled, "What Quality of Environment Do We Want?" He begins by speaking of the earth as if it were a spaceship, with the sun being the closest "gas station," the next nearest being 100,000 times as far away. He reviews a few ways of looking at what we do to our environment, speaking of combustion engines, the role of television in development, the terminology of the past (and unlearning the misinformation that goes along with it), and the organization of cities. He winds the speech up with a review of the work of Dr. Benjamin Bloom of Chicago.

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